NMD Referral Option
NMD Referral Option:
- Earn $21K in 90 days up to 1 year
- Referee will receive $1K per person referred into Option 2.
- Referee will receive $2K per home (Once Resold)
- Engine to GEM&M’S’ growth strategy
**NOTE: GEM&M’S will offer (at no charge) a credit repair service for Referees to purchase a Green Smart Home to live in and become a reseller/dealership in Option 1/2.

NMD Referral Option:
- Earn $21K in 90 days up to 1 year
- Referee will receive $1K per person referred into Option 2.
- Referee will receive $2K per home (Once Resold)
- Engine to GEM&M’S’ growth strategy
**NOTE: GEM&M’S will offer (at no charge) a credit repair service for Referees to purchase a Green Smart Home to live in and become a reseller/dealership in Option 1/2.